Freedom Sessions

Sunday Worship Experience - 04/14/2024

Apr 14, 2024    Pastor Randy

The sermon, "All up in my feelings" by Pastor Randy focuses on the effect of emotions on our thoughts, actions, and holistic wellbeing. Pastor Randy commences the sermon by acknowledging the intensity of feelings that could potentially trigger disruptions in our hearts and minds. By using his personal encounters as an anecdote, Pastor Randy resonates with the feelings of inadequacy, while fostering understanding that no one is perfect. The sermon progresses to question the reliability of feelings and their influence on our perceptions of self and others. The pastor underscores our power to control our feelings and not be dominated by them.He reminds everyone that feelings such as hurt, sadness, joy, anger, and betrayal are integral aspects of human experiences. Pastor Randy cites the biblical story of Gideon from Judges chapter 6, to affirm the sermon's message. Gideon's story, echoing feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt yet rising above it with divine reassurance, resonates with the theme of obedience and God's choice to work through him despite prevailing emotions. Drawing lessons from Gideon's story, Pastor Randy encourages the congregation to process their feelings wisely by trusting God, making a conscious choice to not let feelings steer actions, and not misconstruing feelings for faith. He references Jesus from the Bible, who experienced strong emotions yet never deviated from His character, to emphasize the importance of self-control.In conclusion, Pastor Randy reassures the congregation that they are not alone when navigating their feelings. By seeking guidance from holy scriptures, discussing emotions with God, and trusting His process, they can rise above their challenges. He emphasizes that God’s strength and guidance are omnipresent to help us cope with difficult situations. The sermon concludes with an open invitation for those grappling with their emotions, reassuring them of the community's support and prayer.